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Frequently Asked

Find out more about about Early Stage Design Jobs.


What kind of jobs should I expect to see here?

There'll be job opportunities for entry-level Product and UX/UIĀ Designers.

How frequently are these jobs updated?

The job board will be updated once a week or so.

Where are these jobs based?

The jobs are going to be for job seekers based in Canada and the United States.

How do you determine if a job is for an Int. or a Junior?

The title will call out if the role is for an intern, a Junior, or an Intermediate-Level Designer. There are also other ways to designate a Junior Title with nomenclature like 'Associate' or 'Entry-Level.' Job postings will also list the number of years required for a position. Anywhere from 0-2 years is usually for JuniorĀ Titles.

Where do you find these jobs?

The jobs will be sourced from platforms such as LinkedIn, Glassdoor, Indeed, Dribbble, AngelList and more.

Iā€™d like to submit a job. How?

Please contact me on LinkedIn.


Where are these resources from?

The resources are courses, tutorials, articles created by established designers in the community.

Iā€™d like to submit a resource. How?

Please contact me on LinkedIn.

Can we see more resources for [insert resource type]?

As long as the resource fits in with the rest of the resources, why not?


How frequently will the newsletter be sent out?Ā 

The weekly newsletter be sent out every Monday morning (PST).

Is the newsletter free or paid?Ā 

It's completely free.